I have a brother, his name is Charles Alexander. Our dad's name is Charles Ray so even though he is not a Jr it was still very confusing having 2 Charles' in the house. When he was little we all lovingly called him Baby Charles (Baby Chaws in my case because I could not pronounce my R's when I was little) but not wanting to call him Baby forever, we switched his nickname to Bub. His high school and college friends call him Chuck but to us he will always be Bub and to my kids he in Uncle Bub (Alex calls him Cool Bub- uncle without the un sounds like cool and hey uncle bub is pretty cool!!!)
I have a son, his name is Alexander Ray. We tried calling him Xander but that didn't really stick- at school and church he is Alex and he calls himself either Alex or Alexander Ray Wilson. But at home he is Bub. I guess it is normal for sisters to call their brothers bub or bubby but that was my brother's name so I wasn't planning on using it as a nickname for my son- but it is- even Libby calls him bubba :)
Bub- such a simple short name shared by 2 of my favorite guys in the whole world!
I love my Bubs!!!
Love it! I call CAL "bub" or "bubby" sometime, but poor thing has so many nicknames he won't know what he wants to be called when he grows up! :) Love you!